Peter Gabriel Jams With Bonobo; Facebook for Animals Not Far Behind

Peter Gabriel Jams With Bonobo; Facebook for Animals Not Far Behind

Ever wanted to text-chat with a bottlenose dolphin?  Or collaborate with a bonobo on a chart-topping blues-rock anthem?  I’m not promising it’ll happen, but… something like it might.  A reader and friend passed along this bizarre and intriguing article from NPR: Peter Gabriel’s Interspecies Internet. The “interspecies internet” project is actually led by Neil Gershenfeld, … Continue reading

Curating the Universe

Curating the Universe

Have you ever posted an article or a video on a social network?  If so, congratulations!  I’m about to explain how you’re shaping the world to come.  You are a curator of the universe, and a herald of the future. I am?  What does that mean? It means you collect and share items of your … Continue reading

The Future of English

The Future of English

The English language has achieved something unique in human history: it has become a truly global language.  It’s spoken by nearly a billion people spread across six continents, and is as close to a worldwide lingua franca as there has ever been. The interesting part about those 1 billion English speakers?  Only a third of … Continue reading